12 APR 2015 by ideonexus
Go make that stuff manifesto
Go make that stuff
The manifesto is this: Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use - do the work you want to see done.25 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Biotechnology will Free Us from the Tyranny of Normalcy
Christopher Dewdney: Most people's “ideals” would turn them into underachieving Nicole
Kidmans and eight-foot Brad Pitts, identical cutouts. My previous, rather naïve, notion was that
biotechnology would free us from the tyranny of “normalcy”—that we could become anything we
wanted, morph ourselves into elongated, blue-skinned, orange-haired, sixteen-fingered geniuses,
or perhaps flying ribbons of sensual bliss that performed acrobatic choreographies above the
sunset.19 DEC 2014 by ideonexus
John Cleese on Writing and Performing as Science
DAVIES: You know, and you say many times in the book that you're more a writer than a performer.
CLEESE: It's always hard for people to believe that because of course, anytime they've seen me it's because I've been performing. You know, they don't go to their televisions and switch them on and see me sitting at home writing, you know? So naturally, people's image is of a performer, but the reality is the writing for me has always been the most important thing and the most rewarding thing. An...09 JAN 2013 by ideonexus
Humanism is About Exploration
As humanists who see life and human history as a great adventure, we seek new worlds to explore, new facts to uncover, new avenues for artistic expression, new solutions to old problems, and new feelings to experience. We sometimes feel driven in our quest. and it is participation in this quest that gives our lives meaning and makes beneficial discoveries possible. Our goals as a species are open ended. As a result, we will never be without purpose. We are always seeking new experiences, new vistas, new ideas...